原标题:ImmunoCAP 分析:在变态反应学中利弊
——浙大迪迅 译
过敏原特异性IgE检测及临床病史是过敏诊断的基础。在过去的几十年里,过敏原提取物的特征描述和标准化及以检测技术都得到了提高。在这里,我们讨论了ImmunoCAP IgE检测方法(Thermo Fisher Scientific/Phadia, Uppsala, Sweden)在变态反应学领域的用途、优点、误解和局限性。它们可以进行单一(ImmunoCAP)检测,近十年来,可进行多重(免疫固相变应原芯片[ISAC])检测。ImmunoCAP的主要优点是获得定量的过敏原特异性IgE抗体水平,且不受过敏原特异性IgG抗体的干扰。然而,ImmunoCAP过敏原提取物受提取物成分的限制。过敏原分子的引入对分析特异性和过敏诊断产生了重要影响。它们被用于单一ImmunoCAP和多重 ImmunoCAP ISAC检测。ISAC的主要优点是用微量血清获得的综合IgE图谱。缺点是它只能半定量检测,线性范围较窄,以及每次检测的成本较高。就检测性能而言,ImmunoCAP过敏原提取物是很好的筛选工具,但过敏原分子在分子水平上分析IgE反应,将过敏研究推向精准医学的位轨道。
ImmunoCAP assays: Pros and cons in allergology
Allergen-specific IgE measurements and the clinical history are the cornerstones of allergy diagnosis. During the past decades, both characterization and standardization of allergen extracts and assay technology have improved. Here we discuss the uses, advantages, misinterpretations, and limitations of ImmunoCAP IgE assays (Thermo Fisher Scientific/Phadia, Uppsala, Sweden) in the field of allergology.
They can be performed as singleplex (ImmunoCAP) and, for the last decade, as multiplex (Immuno Solid-phase Allergen Chip [ISAC]). The major benefit of ImmunoCAP is the obtained quantified allergen-specific IgE antibody level and the lack of interference from allergen-specific IgG antibodies. However, ImmunoCAP allergen extracts are limited to the composition of the extract. The introduction of allergen molecules has had a major effect on analytic specificity and allergy diagnosis.
They are used in both singleplex ImmunoCAP and multiplex ImmunoCAP ISAC assays. The major advantage of ISAC is the comprehensive IgE pattern obtained with a minute amount of serum. The shortcomings are its semiquantitative measurements, lower linear range, and cost per assay. With respect to assay performance, ImmunoCAP allergen extracts are good screening tools, but allergen molecules dissect the IgE response on a molecular level and put allergy research on the map of precision medicine.
All Authors:
Mariannevan HageMD, PhDaCarlHamstenPhDaRudolfValentaMDb