①螨虫是过敏性疾病最重要的过敏原来源之一。虽然免疫疗法是唯一可以缓解这些症状的治疗方式,但用于此类目的的过敏性提取物并没有明确的定义。②本研究的目的是评估在两种不同环境(新加坡和意大利)的变态反应诊所就诊的一系列患者的IgE结合谱,采用IgE免疫印迹法,使用了100多种不同的纯化天然或重组过敏原,这些过敏原来自世界各地的主要螨虫种类。这可能有助于选用适当的制剂治疗尘螨和/或热带无爪螨过敏者的免疫治疗,也可以用于监测正在接受治疗的患者。③多数尘螨致敏患者能用第1、2、4、5、7和13联合组份进行诊断,而热带无爪螨过敏者可以用有rBlo t 5、rBlo t 5同源、 rBlo t 13、rBlo t 13同源、Blo t 3和Blo t 12。然而,第10组(原肌球蛋白)尘螨过敏原与其他几种原肌球蛋白过敏原(如海鲜或蟑螂)的致敏无关。④结论:我们可以从致敏程度较广的患者中鉴别出对主要尘螨变应原(第1、2组)敏感的螨虫过敏患者。在尘螨为主地区(如意大利)和以热带无爪螨为主的地区(如新加坡),需要用不同的过敏原来诊断患者。
Component-resolved diagnosis of house dust mite allergy with a large repertoire of purified natural and recombinant allergens from the major species of mites worldwide
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaci.2004.12.667
RATIONALE: Mites are one the most important sources of allergens associated with allergic diseases. Although immunotherapy is the only form of treatment that can alleviate these conditions, allergenic extracts used for such purposes are not well defined.
METHODS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the IgE binding profile of a series of patients attending allergy clinics in two different environments (Singapore and Italy) by IgE immuno-blotting using an arrayed panel of more than 100 different purified natural or recombinant allergens from major species of mites worldwide. This may contribute to improved selection of patients for immunotherapy with Dermatophagoides spp. and/or Blomia tropicals sensitization and may also be used for monitoring of patients undergoing treatment.
RESULTS: Majority of patients with sensitization to Dermatophagoides spp. could be diagnosed with a combination of the group 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 13 allergens while those with sensitization to Blomia tropicalis could be diagnosed with a combination of rBlo t 5, rBlo t 5 paralogue, rBlo t 13, rBlo t 13 paralogue, Blo t 3 and Blo t 12. The group 10 (tropomyosin) mite allergens however did not correlate with sensitization to several other tropomyosin allergens e.g., from seafood or cockroach.
CONCLUSIONS: We could discriminate mite-allergic patients who were mainly sensitized to the major Dermatophagoides allergens (group 1 and 2) from patients with broad sensitization. Different allergens are needed to diagnosed patients found in Dermatophagoides-predominant regions (e.g., Italy) and where Blomia tropicalis is predominant (e.g., Singapore).
All Author:
A.S.L. Tay, H.S. Shang, X.Z. Bi, K. Reginald, Y.F. Gao, S.T. Ong, A.C. Angus, W.L. Wang, K.T. Kuay, D.Y. Wang, A. Mari, F.T. Chew
2018-12-24 Article